附录三:HDFS Permission Guide(English version)


  • HDFS Permissions Guide

    • Overview
    • User Identity
    • Group Mapping
    • Understanding the Implementation
    • Changes to the File System API
    • Changes to the Application Shell
    • The Super-User
    • The Web Server
    • ACLs (Access Control Lists)
    • ACLs File System API
    • ACLs Shell Commands
    • Configuration Parameters


The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) implements a permissions model for files and directories that shares much of the POSIX model. Each file and directory is associated with an owner and a group. The file or directory has separate permissions for the user that is the owner, for other users that are members of the group, and for all other users. For files, the r permission is required to read the file, and the w permission is required to write or append to the file. For directories, the r permission is required to list the contents of the directory, the w permission is required to create or delete files or directories, and the x permission is required to access a child of the directory.

In contrast to the POSIX model, there are no setuid or setgid bits for files as there is no notion of executable files. For directories, there are no setuid or setgid bits directory as a simplification. The Sticky bit can be set on directories, preventing anyone except the superuser, directory owner or file owner from deleting or moving the files within the directory. Setting the sticky bit for a file has no effect. Collectively, the permissions of a file or directory are its mode. In general, Unix customs for representing and displaying modes will be used, including the use of octal numbers in this description. When a file or directory is created, its owner is the user identity of the client process, and its group is the group of the parent directory (the BSD rule).

HDFS also provides optional support for POSIX ACLs (Access Control Lists) to augment file permissions with finer-grained rules for specific named users or named groups. ACLs are discussed in greater detail later in this document.

Each client process that accesses HDFS has a two-part identity composed of the user name, and groups list. Whenever HDFS must do a permissions check for a file or directory foo accessed by a client process,

  • If the user name matches the owner of foo, then the owner permissions are tested;

  • Else if the group of foo matches any of member of the groups list, then the group permissions are tested;

  • Otherwise the other permissions of foo are tested.

If a permissions check fails, the client operation fails.

User Identity

As of Hadoop 0.22, Hadoop supports two different modes of operation to determine the user’s identity, specified by the hadoop.security.authentication property:

  • simple

In this mode of operation, the identity of a client process is determined by the host operating system. On Unix-like systems, the user name is the equivalent of whoami.

  • kerberos

In Kerberized operation, the identity of a client process is determined by its Kerberos credentials. For example, in a Kerberized environment, a user may use the kinit utility to obtain a Kerberos ticket-granting-ticket (TGT) and use klist to determine their current principal. When mapping a Kerberos principal to an HDFS username, all components except for the primary are dropped. For example, a principal todd/[email protected] will act as the simple username todd on HDFS.

Regardless of the mode of operation, the user identity mechanism is extrinsic to HDFS itself. There is no provision within HDFS for creating user identities, establishing groups, or processing user credentials.

Group Mapping

Once a username has been determined as described above, the list of groups is determined by a group mapping service, configured by the hadoop.security.group.mapping property. The default implementation, org.apache.hadoop.security.JniBasedUnixGroupsMappingWithFallback, will determine if the Java Native Interface (JNI) is available. If JNI is available, the implementation will use the API within hadoop to resolve a list of groups for a user. If JNI is not available then the shell implementation, org.apache.hadoop.security.ShellBasedUnixGroupsMapping, is used. This implementation shells out with the bash -c groups command (for a Linux/Unix environment) or the net group command (for a Windows environment) to resolve a list of groups for a user.

An alternate implementation, which connects directly to an LDAP server to resolve the list of groups, is available via org.apache.hadoop.security.LdapGroupsMapping. However, this provider should only be used if the required groups reside exclusively in LDAP, and are not materialized on the Unix servers. More information on configuring the group mapping service is available in the Javadocs.

For HDFS, the mapping of users to groups is performed on the NameNode. Thus, the host system configuration of the NameNode determines the group mappings for the users.

Note that HDFS stores the user and group of a file or directory as strings; there is no conversion from user and group identity numbers as is conventional in Unix.

Understanding the Implementation

Each file or directory operation passes the full path name to the name node, and the permissions checks are applied along the path for each operation. The client framework will implicitly associate the user identity with the connection to the name node, reducing the need for changes to the existing client API. It has always been the case that when one operation on a file succeeds, the operation might fail when repeated because the file, or some directory on the path, no longer exists. For instance, when the client first begins reading a file, it makes a first request to the name node to discover the location of the first blocks of the file. A second request made to find additional blocks may fail. On the other hand, deleting a file does not revoke access by a client that already knows the blocks of the file. With the addition of permissions, a client’s access to a file may be withdrawn between requests. Again, changing permissions does not revoke the access of a client that already knows the file’s blocks.

Changes to the File System API

All methods that use a path parameter will throw AccessControlException if permission checking fails.

New methods:

  • public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, FsPermission permission, boolean overwrite, int bufferSize, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress) throws IOException;

  • public boolean mkdirs(Path f, FsPermission permission) throws IOException;

  • public void setPermission(Path p, FsPermission permission) throws IOException;

  • public void setOwner(Path p, String username, String groupname) throws IOException;

  • public FileStatus getFileStatus(Path f) throws IOException;will additionally return the user, group and mode associated with the path.

The mode of a new file or directory is restricted my the umask set as a configuration parameter. When the existing create(path, …) method (without the permission parameter) is used, the mode of the new file is 0666 & ^umask. When the new create(path, permission, …) method (with the permission parameter P) is used, the mode of the new file is P & ^umask & 0666. When a new directory is created with the existing mkdirs(path) method (without the permission parameter), the mode of the new directory is 0777 & ^umask. When the new mkdirs(path, permission) method (with the permission parameter P) is used, the mode of new directory is P & ^umask & 0777.

Changes to the Application Shell

New operations:

  • chmod [-R] mode file ...

Only the owner of a file or the super-user is permitted to change the mode of a file.

  • chgrp [-R] group file ...

The user invoking chgrp must belong to the specified group and be the owner of the file, or be the super-user.

  • chown [-R] [owner][:[group]] file ...

The owner of a file may only be altered by a super-user.

  • ls file ...

  • lsr file ...

The output is reformatted to display the owner, group and mode.

The Super-User

The super-user is the user with the same identity as name node process itself. Loosely, if you started the name node, then you are the super-user. The super-user can do anything in that permissions checks never fail for the super-user. There is no persistent notion of who was the super-user; when the name node is started the process identity determines who is the super-user for now. The HDFS super-user does not have to be the super-user of the name node host, nor is it necessary that all clusters have the same super-user. Also, an experimenter running HDFS on a personal workstation, conveniently becomes that installation’s super-user without any configuration.

In addition, the administrator my identify a distinguished group using a configuration parameter. If set, members of this group are also super-users.

The Web Server

By default, the identity of the web server is a configuration parameter. That is, the name node has no notion of the identity of the real user, but the web server behaves as if it has the identity (user and groups) of a user chosen by the administrator. Unless the chosen identity matches the super-user, parts of the name space may be inaccessible to the web server.

ACLs (Access Control Lists)

In addition to the traditional POSIX permissions model, HDFS also supports POSIX ACLs (Access Control Lists). ACLs are useful for implementing permission requirements that differ from the natural organizational hierarchy of users and groups. An ACL provides a way to set different permissions for specific named users or named groups, not only the file’s owner and the file’s group.

By default, support for ACLs is disabled, and the NameNode disallows creation of ACLs. To enable support for ACLs, set dfs.namenode.acls.enabled to true in the NameNode configuration.

An ACL consists of a set of ACL entries. Each ACL entry names a specific user or group and grants or denies read, write and execute permissions for that specific user or group. For example:

   user:bruce:rwx                  #effective:r--
   group::r-x                      #effective:r--
   group:sales:rwx                 #effective:r--

ACL entries consist of a type, an optional name and a permission string. For display purposes, ‘:’ is used as the delimiter between each field. In this example ACL, the file owner has read-write access, the file group has read-execute access and others have read access. So far, this is equivalent to setting the file’s permission bits to 654.

Additionally, there are 2 extended ACL entries for the named user bruce and the named group sales, both granted full access. The mask is a special ACL entry that filters the permissions granted to all named user entries and named group entries, and also the unnamed group entry. In the example, the mask has only read permissions, and we can see that the effective permissions of several ACL entries have been filtered accordingly.

Every ACL must have a mask. If the user doesn’t supply a mask while setting an ACL, then a mask is inserted automatically by calculating the union of permissions on all entries that would be filtered by the mask.

Running chmod on a file that has an ACL actually changes the permissions of the mask. Since the mask acts as a filter, this effectively constrains the permissions of all extended ACL entries instead of changing just the group entry and possibly missing other extended ACL entries.

The model also differentiates between an “access ACL”, which defines the rules to enforce during permission checks, and a “default ACL”, which defines the ACL entries that new child files or sub-directories receive automatically during creation. For example:

   default:user:bruce:rwx          #effective:r-x
   default:group:sales:rwx         #effective:r-x

Only directories may have a default ACL. When a new file or sub-directory is created, it automatically copies the default ACL of its parent into its own access ACL. A new sub-directory also copies it to its own default ACL. In this way, the default ACL will be copied down through arbitrarily deep levels of the file system tree as new sub-directories get created.

The exact permission values in the new child’s access ACL are subject to filtering by the mode parameter. Considering the default umask of 022, this is typically 755 for new directories and 644 for new files. The mode parameter filters the copied permission values for the unnamed user (file owner), the mask and other. Using this particular example ACL, and creating a new sub-directory with 755 for the mode, this mode filtering has no effect on the final result. However, if we consider creation of a file with 644 for the mode, then mode filtering causes the new file’s ACL to receive read-write for the unnamed user (file owner), read for the mask and read for others. This mask also means that effective permissions for named user bruce and named group sales are only read.

Note that the copy occurs at time of creation of the new file or sub-directory. Subsequent changes to the parent’s default ACL do not change existing children.

The default ACL must have all minimum required ACL entries, including the unnamed user (file owner), unnamed group (file group) and other entries. If the user doesn’t supply one of these entries while setting a default ACL, then the entries are inserted automatically by copying the corresponding permissions from the access ACL, or permission bits if there is no access ACL. The default ACL also must have mask. As described above, if the mask is unspecified, then a mask is inserted automatically by calculating the union of permissions on all entries that would be filtered by the mask.

When considering a file that has an ACL, the algorithm for permission checks changes to:

  • If the user name matches the owner of file, then the owner permissions are tested;

  • Else if the user name matches the name in one of the named user entries, then these permissions are tested, filtered by the mask permissions;

  • Else if the group of file matches any member of the groups list, and if these permissions filtered by the mask grant access, then these permissions are used;

  • Else if there is a named group entry matching a member of the groups list, and if these permissions filtered by the mask grant access, then these permissions are used;

  • Else if the file group or any named group entry matches a member of the groups list, but access was not granted by any of those permissions, then access is denied;

  • Otherwise the other permissions of file are tested.

Best practice is to rely on traditional permission bits to implement most permission requirements, and define a smaller number of ACLs to augment the permission bits with a few exceptional rules. A file with an ACL incurs an additional cost in memory in the NameNode compared to a file that has only permission bits.

ACLs File System API

New methods:

  • public void modifyAclEntries(Path path, List aclSpec) throws IOException;
  • public void removeAclEntries(Path path, List aclSpec) throws IOException;
  • public void public void removeDefaultAcl(Path path) throws IOException;
  • public void removeAcl(Path path) throws IOException;
  • public void setAcl(Path path, List aclSpec) throws IOException;
  • public AclStatus getAclStatus(Path path) throws IOException;

ACLs Shell Commands

hdfs dfs -getfacl [-R] <path>

Displays the Access Control Lists (ACLs) of files and directories. If a directory has a default ACL, then getfacl also displays the default ACL.

hdfs dfs -setfacl [-R] [-b |-k -m |-x <acl_spec> <path>] |[--set <acl_spec> <path>]

Sets Access Control Lists (ACLs) of files and directories.

hdfs dfs -ls <args>

The output of ls will append a ‘+’ character to the permissions string of any file or directory that has an ACL.

See the File System Shell documentation for full coverage of these commands.

Configuration Parameters

dfs.permissions.enabled = true

If yes use the permissions system as described here. If no, permission checking is turned off, but all other behavior is unchanged. Switching from one parameter value to the other does not change the mode, owner or group of files or directories. Regardless of whether permissions are on or off, chmod, chgrp, chown and setfacl always check permissions. These functions are only useful in the permissions context, and so there is no backwards compatibility issue. Furthermore, this allows administrators to reliably set owners and permissions in advance of turning on regular permissions checking.

dfs.web.ugi = webuser,webgroup

The user name to be used by the web server. Setting this to the name of the super-user allows any web client to see everything. Changing this to an otherwise unused identity allows web clients to see only those things visible using “other” permissions. Additional groups may be added to the comma-separated list.

dfs.permissions.superusergroup = supergroup

The name of the group of super-users.

fs.permissions.umask-mode = 0022

The umask used when creating files and directories. For configuration files, the decimal value 18 may be used.

dfs.cluster.administrators = ACL-for-admins

The administrators for the cluster specified as an ACL. This controls who can access the default servlets, etc. in the HDFS.

dfs.namenode.acls.enabled = true

Set to true to enable support for HDFS ACLs (Access Control Lists). By default, ACLs are disabled. When ACLs are disabled, the NameNode rejects all attempts to set an ACL.

HDFS Permission Guide(中文版)



与POSIX模型对比,文件没有setuid or setgid的位置,因为没有可执行文件的概念。目录也没有setuid or setgid的位置,以简化设计。Sticky位可以被设置在目录上,以防止除了超级用户,目录所有者和文件所有者的任何人删除或者移动目录内的文件。对一个文件设置Sticky位没有影响。一个文件或者目录都是那种模式。通常,使用Unix风格来代表和显示这个访问模式,包括在描述中使用八进制。当一个文件或者目录被创建,它的所有者是客户端进程的用户标识,它的用户组是父目录的用户组(BSD规则)。

HDFS也对使用POSIX ACL增加特定用户和用户组的细粒度的文件权限提供可选的支持。ACL在之后的文档详细讨论。






User Identity





在使用Kerberos的操作时,一个客户端进程的标识通过它的Kerberos证书来判定。例如,在一个Kerberos的环境中,一个用户可能使用kinit工具获得一个Kerberos TGT,然后用Klist来确定它们当前的实体(Principal)。当映射一个Kerberos Principal到一个HDFS用户名时, all components except for the primary are dropped。例如,一个Principaltodd/[email protected]将会作为HDFS上的用户todd。


Group Mapping

一旦一个用户名被上述过程确定,文件所属的一个或者多个用户组就会通过hadoop.security.group.mapping属性中配置的用户组映射服务来确定。默认的实现是org.apache.hadoop.security.ShellBasedUnixGroupsMapping,此实现将会使用Unixbash –c 用户组命令来解析一个用户所属的一个或者多个用户组。

另一个实现,直接连接到一个LDAP服务器来解析用户组的列表,可通过配置org.apache.hadoop.security.LdapGroupsMapping使用。但是,LdapGroupsMapping应该只在所需的用户组专门放在LDAP中时才使用,are not materialized on the Unix servers。更多的配置用户组映射服务的信息可在JAVA doc中得到。



Understanding the Implementation


Changes to the File System API

所有使用路径参数的方法在权限检查失败是都会抛出AccessControlException 。


public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, FsPermission permission, boolean overwrite, int bufferSize, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress) throws IOException;

public boolean mkdirs(Path f, FsPermission permission) throws IOException;

public void setPermission(Path p, FsPermission permission) throws IOException;

public void setOwner(Path p, String username, String groupname) throws IOException;

public FileStatus getFileStatus(Path f) throws IOException;


一个新建立的文件或者目录的访问模式通过umask配置参数设置限制。当使用已经存在的create(path, …)方法(没有权限参数)时,新文件的访问模式时0666&^umask。当使用create(path, permission, …)创建文件(有权限参数)时,新文件的访问模式是P & ^umask & 0666。当一个新目录被已经存在的mkdirs(path)方法(没有权限参数)创建时,新目录的访问模式是0777 & ^umask。当使用新的mkdirs(path, permission)方法(有权限参数)创建一个新的目录时,这个目录的模式是 P & ^umask& 0777。

Changes to the Application Shell


chmod [-R] mode file…


chgrp [-R] group file…


chown [-R][owner][:[group]] file …


ls file …
lsr file …


The Super-User



The Web Server

默认情况下,Web Server的标识是一个配置参数。也就是说,NameNode没有真实用户的标识的概念,但是Web Server表现就像是有管理员选择的一个用户的标识。除非被选择的用户标识匹配超级用户,部分命名空间可能对Web Server不可访问。

ACLs(Access Control Lists)

除了传统了POSIX的权限模型,HDFS也支持POSIX ACLs(Access Control Lists)。ACLs对于实现不同于用户和用户组的自然组织分层结构的权限需求是非常有用的。一个ACL提供一个为特殊的用户和用户组设置不同权限的方式,不仅仅是文件的所有者和文件的所属的用户组。


一个ACL包含一系列的ACL Entry。每个ACL Entry包括一个指定的用户或者用户组,授予或者拒绝指定的用户和用户组的读,写和执行权限。例如:

[html] view plain copy
user:bruce:rwx                  #effective:r--  
group::r-x                      #effective:r--  
group:sales:rwx                 #effective:r--  


此外,还有两个为用户bruce和用户组sales设置的ACL Entry。Mask是特别的ACL条目,它过滤授权给所有命名的用户的Entry,命名的用户组条目和没有命名的用户组条目的权限。在这个例子中,mask只有读权限,我们可以看到几个ACL条目的有效权限已被相应的过滤了。



这个权限模型区分一个“Access ACL”和一个“default ACL”,“Access ACL”定义了在权限检查时强制执行的规则,“default ACl”定义了新的子文件或者子目录在创建期间自动从父目录继承的ACL Entry。例如:

[html] view plain copy 
default:user:bruce:rwx          #effective:r-x  
default:group:sales:rwx         #effective:r-x  

只有目录可能有默认的ACL。当一个文件或者一个子目录被创建时,它自动复制它的父目录的default ACL作为它的Access ACL。然后新的子目录复制这个Access ACl 为它的default Access。在这个方式下,当新的子目录被创建时,默认的ACL将被应用到任意深度的文件系统树。

新的子文件或目录的Access ACL的确切的权限值通过访问模式参数被过滤。考虑默认的umask为022,这通常是对目录是755,文件是644。访问模式过滤ACL中没有名字的用户(文件所有者),被mask的用户和其他的用户拷贝的权限值。一个特别的ACL例子,用755访问模式创建一个新的子目录,这个访问模式的过滤对最终结果没有影响。但是,如果我们用644访问模式创建一个文件,这个访问模式的过滤会导致新文件的ACL拥有对ACL中未命名用户(文件所有者)的读写,对mask的用户的读和其他用户的读权限。这个mask也意味着用户bruce和用户组sales有效的权限为只读。

注意,复制发生在新文件或目录创建的时候。随后的到父目录default ACL的更改不会改变已存在的子文件或目录的default ACL。

Default ACl必须有所有ACL条目的最小需求,包括未命名的用户(文件所有者),未命名的组(文件所属组)和其他的Entry。如果用户在配置default ACL时不提供这3个条目中的任何一个,这些条目将会通过从Access ACL复制相应的权限条目(如果没有Access ACL,就复制permission bits)自动被插入。Default ACL也必须有mask。就像上边描述的那样,如果mask没有被指定,将计算所有条目的权限的并作为权限值自动插入。








最佳实践是依靠传统permission bits来实现大多数权限需求,然后定义少量的ACLs来给permission bits增加额外的规则。相比于只有权限位的文件,一个有ACL的文件导致NameNode中额外的内存消耗。

ACLs File System API


public void modifyAclEntries(Path path, List<AclEntry> aclSpec) throws IOException;

public void removeAclEntries(Path path, List<AclEntry> aclSpec) throws IOException;

public void public void removeDefaultAcl(Path path) throws IOException;

public void removeAcl(Path path) throws IOException;

public void setAcl(Path path, List<AclEntry> aclSpec) throws IOException;

public AclStatus getAclStatus(Path path) throws IOException;

ACLs Shell Commands

hdfs dfs -getfacl[-R] <path>


hdfs dfs -setfacl [-R][-b|-k -m|-x <acl_spec> <path>]|[--set <acl_spec><path>]


hdfs dfs -ls<args>


看File System Shell 文档查看这些命令的所有用法。

Configuration Parameters

dfs.permissions.enabled= true


dfs.web.ugi =webuser,webgroup

Web Server使用的用户名。设置这个值为超级用户的名字将允许任何Web客户端查看任何东西。将其改为其他的未使用的身份,将允许客户端值看到对其可见的内容。附加的用户组可被增加到逗号分隔的列表。

dfs.permissions.superusergroup= supergroup


fs.permissions.umask-mode= 0022


dfs.cluster.administrators= ACL-for-admins


dfs.namenode.acls.enabled= true


results matching ""

    No results matching ""